showing 10 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downward
Saints Row (Saint's Row;SR) THQ (Volition)2006labelimagesubject
Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA IV;GTA4) Rockstar Games;Capcom (Rockstar North)2008labelimageminimize
Saints Row 2 THQ (Volition)2008labelminimizeminimize
Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned Rockstar Games (Rockstar North)2009labelimageminimize
Prototype Activision (Radical Entertainment)2009labelimageminimize
Red Faction: Guerrilla (Red Faction 3;RF:G;RF3) THQ (Volition)2009labelimageminimize
Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes (SW:CWRH) LucasArts (Krome Studios)2009labelminimizeminimize
Just Cause 2 Square Enix (Avalanche Studios)2010labelimageminimize
Saints Row: The Third (SRTT;SR3;Saints Row 3) THQ (Volition)2011labelimageminimize
WATCH_DOGS (Watch Dogs) Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal;Ubisoft Reflections)2014labelminimizeminimize